Early Bird Tickets - SOLD OUT

Thank you to everyone that snapped up the Early Bird Tickets super quick for the May Bank Holiday Special , at this London Sober Event on Sunday 5th May 3.30pm.

If you secured a seat at an Early Bird price, well done! If not, don’t hang around as first release tickets are now on sale….

The London Alcohol-Free Comedy Club is a great afternoon out for all, Sober, Sober Curious or even if you do still drink…..BUT obviously we are completely alcohol-free on the afternoon 😊!

Maybe you have never visited a comedy club without drinking, and are curious to the fact…..?

We see many people join us for the afternoon at this London Sober Social that are just taking the afternoon off the booze.

 Once you experience Sober Laughing Out Loud it is incredibly addictive….in the want for more!!!!

Many people return time after time to our shows as they know the quality they will get at this Top London Alcohol-Free Event, with no alcohol fuelled interruptions!

All out comedians are Top Professional Comedians, which makes for a very very funny afternoon out.

If you haven’t joined us yet, why not head on down to this alcohol-free event in London this May Bank Holiday weekend.

First Release Tickets Now Available